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Cookie and brownie gifts delivereed to the door!

Thank You Gift Ideas

Posted by The Bakehouse on

thank you gift ideas

So you want to say a huge 'Thank you' to show your appreciation to that special person, who made a difference to your day, month, or even year? The problem is where to start. With so many options available online it's a minefield to narrow down that perfect thank you gift idea. You'd like to show you care with a thoughtful, personalised gift that says thanks for being there when I needed it and if I can ever return the favour, I've got your back! Phew, easier said than done.

Here at The Bakehouse we produce an array of memorable 'Thank You' treats all wrapped up in beautiful gift boxes, with a special hand written note so it feels like it came from you directly. Whether you're looking to thank a coworker for helping on a big project, your favourite cat sitter for looking after 'fluffy' again or maybe even mum for just being, well, mum we've got you covered. With a host of brownie and cookie gift boxes to surprise, delight and linger long on the taste buds as well as the memory, you're sure to find something for every occasion. 

If you need any assistance or fancy a chat about our treats, please feel free to contact us on social or email. 

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